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Conversation Map for Pakistan Agricultural Coalition


Concept, Design, Illustration


November 2016 - January 2017


About the Project

This map was created for Pakistan Agricultural Coalition as part of a project to educate local farmers about the technology used in the agricultural supply chain, showing all the different steps from sorting, sampling and testing to trading, weighing and payment.


Finding the Best Way to Communicate Information to the Target Audience

The brief was to design a poster to create awareness amongst farmers about the different steps their produce goes through in the agricultural supply chain. The poster was going to be presented to Pakistani farmers with the help of a facilitator and would be accessible to them to go through on their own later.

I proposed the idea of a map that would take the farmers through each step of the supply chain. The map would have each step labelled clearly, and would have two versions - one in Urdu, and one in English.


Figuring Out the Layout

Initial sketches were created to give an idea of what the map would look like. The map read from right to left as the text was going to be in Urdu.

Different versions were sketched out in grayscale with text, with many iterations until a layout that was easy to understand, not too cluttered and had just enough detail for the user to recognise and understand the steps was finalised. 

Below are some of the grayscale sketches at various stages:


Brighter and Better

Once the layout and text were finalised, colours and other details were added to it.

Below are some of the coloured options:


Final Conversation Map

The map was printed and was tested out with the farmers. This is what the final version that was presented to the farmers turned out to be:

Urdu version of the map.

We also created an English version of the map in case it was needed for a different audience.

English version of the map.

Thank you for reading!

Let's Talk!

If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out.

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