Graphic Novel: Ek Inayat
Concept, Script, Illustration
August 2014 - December 2014
About the Project
'Ek Inayat' (A Blessing) was my final year thesis project at the Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture, Karachi, Pakistan.
It is a graphic novel based on personal lives of the domestic workers in Pakistan. The idea was to shine light on the plight of the domestic workers by narrating the stories from their personal lives.
Researcher, Storywriter and Illustrator
I started working on this project by conducting research on the current laws and rights of the domestic workers in Pakistan.
I believed that sharing their personal stories and shedding light on their personal struggles would create empathy and awareness amongst the readers.
The story was largely based on true events and was written by myself. I had the help of an amazing class fellow in editing the written Urdu.
Once the story was written down, I sketched out each page in pencil and then inked it with a pen. The artwork was scanned and the text and colours were added digitally using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
After completing the artwork and the design, I got the pages printed out and bound by a printing press.
Creating a Graphic Novel from Scratch
Here is how the graphic novel turned out:

Thank you for reading!